To the Oceans Project Story

Sini Kunnas is a longtime professional artist and a security trained healer with ESP. She had a vision in 2018 of the oceans being misunderstood in our time and started to research the true situation in oceans of the day. Then begun To the Oceans Project networking with high-standard ocean environmentalists and planning to enable new positive ways to form a lasting emotional connection towards to big seas. 

The main idea of the project was simple: as the emotional connection towards the oceans is strenghtened, then the motivation to wish to protect the seas may become deeper.

As the oceans are vast and related to all continents, networking globally with other positive marine environmentalists is essential. To the Oceans Project is a one communicating factor of a large global network offering links, talks, videos and shared experiences of sea life. New information, new ports and new faces are found to be presented.

Sini Kunnas/ Rhonda, Spain 2020.

Inspiring spiritual thoughts on sea life, educational seminars and events online are all shared. The goal is to find fun and easily adapted info packages by oceans experts, see sea stories, gather links and to be informed about ongoing events in a safe and positive way.

There are many ocean areas and functions not yet known to humans. As we spiritually deepen our relationship with the seas and their existance, we intuitively open ourselves to the core of life on Earth. Here is another important point of To the Oceans Project: as oceans are part of nature, we believe that humans and animals can non-verbally connect to the seas. This work is presented in the Oceans & Spirituality Program events and seminars links here.

Sunsets horizon views touch our hearts across.
Photo from Portugal 2021.

A positive and inspired emotional connection to the oceans is best done at young, but absolutely is never too late. That is how valuable our personal relation to the seas is. All positive feelings for the oceans interests us to see how this feeling was created. This is why we network with surfers as much as scientists or marine regulators and sailing professionals. At this site is presented many different ocean enthusiasts wishing that their stories inspire. This saves time from info seeking as links are presented at a one site.

Our security team has been chosen to make events and journeys as safe as possible.

Positive experiences, touching stories and interesting knowledge may motivate us to want to know more of the vast seas, which are still a great mystery in many ways. This relationship is best formed by real stories and real people, who know the waters better than anyone.

To the Oceans Project holds online events and seminars, arranges ocean trips and information days. All events and programs of this cause use traditional ships and environmental friendly products.

To the Oceans Project aims also to present spiritual knowledge of the oceans, sea animals and the information spirituality has to offer for ocean protection. Spirituality and meditation is a quick connection to the oceans subjects and mysteries, where science has not yet found answers. Our spirituality section offers information and experiences regarding ocean topics to those, who find awareness topics as additional value.

This project is especially designed for the young and their families. We cooperate with nature-orientated factors and companies for sustainable development.

Have you ever seen the skilled building technique inside a an old wooden ship? It uses the element of wood with an amazing simplicity and endurance. Photo: Forum Marinum, Finland

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