Oceans & Spirituality
To the Oceans Project believes, that the human mind is able to open a non-physical connection to the seas and their creatures by using meditation techniques. Many come from old ancient cultures traditions as in India, Tibet, the Arctic, South America and Africa.
Here you see views of the marine life from the intuitions professionals, quantum physicists and meditations teachers – to mention a few.
Intuition has become an accepted part of our ways to experience and express how we view life. Spirituality is a part of human. The oceans to us are the core of all. Spirituality is at its best a balanced openness to the surrounding and a beneficial addition.
The functioning of the water cycles is an important topic in conversations online. The winds need to blow, the waters needs to move, the oceans need their balance with one another and waters in between. Earth, winds, waters and the spirituality all align.
The oceans are important creators of oxygen for the whole globe. So the seas are a source of life when their function is in balance.
This site publishes ocean carers blogs and shares links also by those interesting environmentalists, who see the visible and non-visible as a one.
We named the team “SeaNowLight”, which is a global network sharing the nonvisible experiences of oceans across.

To the Oceans Project connects spiritual thinkers, ocean travellers, the young and their families and marine professionals into a one communicating network of its own.
We offer new angles how to relate to the oceans for creating a deeper ocean connection by adding in fun, joy and celebration.
To succeed in this requers networking, gathering and experiencing inspiring moments together around ocean topics. Here is also shared information of history around ocean spirituality and effective meditation experiences by the seas.
More videos to be seen already in Fall 2023.
Inspiring Ocean Moments Online
To the Oceans Project holds online events on a regular basis. We introduce exciting characters across the globe working for the good for the environment. They can be scientists, influencors in their country, sailors, seamen or the young working to clean the sea beaches. We seek interesting individuals and projects all over the world and bring them to the front as important sea protectors.
In Fall 2023 online seminars and events tickets are sold and your company is welcome to take part as a cooperator!
In 2024 Fall is a ship trip for families and the young.
This journey will be documented and released to be seen as a video in 2025.
Cooperation with businesses and those protecting the oceans is a meaningful partnerships supporting future as networking is a key. We are all in the same boat when it comes to caring for the vast seas.
In 2023 and 2024, To the Oceans Project negotiates with new cooperators to join the online events.
Online events and blog visibility is shared during and after the net hours. The blogs introduce interesting people, who have shared their thoughts with us during the shows. Online presence is not a requirement as the shows are always shared later as videos in Youtube.
Your company can also suggest an online event in cooperation with To the Oceans Project. Lets have fun together and protect the oceans the same time – joy is an uplifting thing uniting us to the same goal!

This projects values are to see the oceans as the core of life and to regard ocean awareness as a necessary knowledge for the future – especially for the young. We offer both free and selected group internet events for the audiences of young and students across. Online event days and times will be opened in Spring 2023 and are added as we go.
Speech hours can be purchased and booked to be presented during an online hour. To the Oceans online event is a great way to be heard and noted for own positive ocean protection thoughts. New angles, new emotions and new awakenings rise with each event. As this work is family-friendly, it is safe and inspiring to partner and join these online hours.

The “World Friends” project network is global with ocean experts and carers from all sectors around sea life.
The blogs are written by journalists, special ocean factors and sea professionals.
Presenting your ocean story with us is an uplifting moment to share awareness info online with the young and their families. We share videos and interviews of journey’s with the young and their families.
What These Ocean Journey’s Offer
Before setting sail, we select each trip group and the topic for the ship journey’s which begin in Fall 2024.
Positivity, joy and care for the seas are vital. Voyage documentaries are produced. Memorable ocean days connect us with the group onboard. Information is shared to the young on ship and their messages to young across the globe.
As the meditation processes are important, connection to the seas is easy, joyous and quick with people from many cultures. Meditation is a moment together with nature and needs no mutual language except to be in the moment.

During our travels, stories, feelings and experiences of sea life are shared. Touching stories are offered about oceans and their interesting creatures.
The journeys and online events open new insight in how to relate to the oceans in finding own inner feel about them. To the Oceans Project program “Ocean Meditation Team” interviews and searches for sea information of the non-visible in cooperation with quantum physicists, researchers of intuition, history experts and those, who have experienced non-physical connections to sea elements.

Meditations methods are a fast gateway to connect with the nature, when used with good guidance by trusted professionals. The program Ocean Meditation Team offers seminars and online events around spirituality topics of the seas.

The Difference
There is a lot of offered information in the net about ocean protection. Science has found many discoveries.
The connection to the seas and their life is interesting to be viewed through meditation and to share thoughts from different ocean experts angles.
A spiritual way is a quick way to connect with the oceans elements and can be experienced across cultures without a mutual language.

The project networks offer meditations experts and awareness coaches to assist. The sea creatures and the nature offer much more, than is known yet by science. Information and spiritual practices from old cultures are used to find possibilities to be able to communicate with nature deeply.
The project sea trips have a guide on board, who will assist and inform the passengers of meditation techniques and general safety instructions during travels.

About the Project Manager
Sini Kunnas is a globally networked and trusted spiritual healer, who is known to adapt security training and a long artistic career into her healing work. She has for years assisted people by using transformative methods in situations of challengies.
As an environmentalist and project manager, Sini uses an insight to aim to speak about oceans protection differently, than is generally done in our time.
As this project planner, Sini has a background in 25 years of art work, a light worker and a security expert.
This ocean project is designed to meet the spiritual needs of today in how to communicate about ocean awareness in a new way with the assistance of mediations tools, feelings and insight via emotional experiences.
All trips and events aim to deepen a positive, loving connection to feel the great seas as part of us. Adding this care is the main goal for To the Oceans Project.
You can take part as our audience in the online events as well as in sharing your thoughts/ comments of our soon published videos.
The next online event is in 2023 and oceans journey sets sail Fall 2024.
For more information and further questions, please contact: sini@totheoceans.com or +358409300203.
Wishing happy ocean experiences and safe seas across,
Sini & To the Oceans Project Team